It’s rarely just fashion. What about strategy? What about the meaning? What about the person wearing it? See, for me, there’s more to it.
Dig in with me one fabulous blog post at a time.
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Shopping For Film Costumes During COVID-19
Whoever penned that phrase, “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life,” only knew part of that ideal story. While I do believe in the sentiment, find what you enjoy and do that, get to that top of Maslow, everybody, I don’t think the author knew about the implications on everyday work compliments of COVID-19.
The Dance Between Fashion and Politics
It’s been a week since the American Presidential Staff inauguration and the dust has settled. At least a tiny bit. As folx with a sense of humanity breathed a squeaking sigh of relief – as there is so much work to be done – they also got a show: a fashion show.
What Does Conscious Consumerism Mean Now?
I think I did it too. Like a naïve puppy getting its first real scolding, 2021 has hit like a tonne of emotional bricks. See, I knew that it would not be any different aside from the dates changing over, but I think I wanted it to. Pretty natural considering our collective dire situation.
Make Room for Fabulous 2021... Bye 2020
At long last, this dumpster fire of a year is nearly, but a mere day away, from being over. Although it has been brutal - and affected our most vulnerable communities the hardest - like any other secure millennial, I want to focus on what’s to come. No need to rehash why it was terrible, no, let’s look forward fashion friends.
Open Letter: Delivery Workers are the Unsung Heroes of the Holidays
How many of you have been in a line to post or pickup your parcels when you overhear a patron complaining loudly and rudely to a delivery worker? More importantly, does it gross you out or mirror your true feelings? Asking for a friend…
Round Up of the *It* 2020 Holiday Shopping Guides
Christmas encapsulates everything I love in life: booze, decorations, family and friends, food, gatherings, gifts, glitz, planned outfits, movies, music, shopping, and years other than this, all of that can happen at a destination of your choice. How good would a beach be right now? I’m looking at you, 2021.
Why was Whole Foods Doing the Worst Targeting Remembrance Day Poppies?
When I first heard the headline that Whole Foods was banning all employees – including staffers above the 51st parallel – from wearing poppies this year I was a bit confused. “Can’t wear a poppy at work?” I asked out loud to the ether. Why?
Ending It With A Particular Item of Clothing
As I wrap up working as a costumer on a TV show – I started working in January, pandemic paused from mid-March through July, and we just finished filming last week - it’s hard not to get nostalgic. Ten months of time for a four months of work project is a lot. It’s bittersweet: I’m relieved to be done and healthy yet a trifling bit sad to say goodbye.
Resale is Officially Cool
One of my favourite, semi spaced out states to be in is on my lounger couch under a wool blanket and sparkle slippers, cruising through online resale sites for antique jewelry, designer silk scarves, or for my long standing unicorn Manolo Blahniks while I sort of watch a show on Netflix.
Are There Any Fashion Rules Anymore?
I feel like a broken record every time I indulge in another 2020 oooooof meme but there’s truth to it all too. It’s been a lot. My eyes have been opened wider. Part of that whole eyes wide open thing has been questioning things. A lot of things.
TMI: Half-Baked Stylish Thoughts from My Imaginary Velour Draped Soap Box
It’s not often that I find myself at a loss for words. Maybe it’s the looming autumn, perhaps work is taking a giant share of my mental load, or maybe I’m entering a new phase of this pandemic. All could be true at the same time. More simply put, I don’t have something succinct to share with y’all.
VMAs 2020 Fashion Continues to Delight
I love the VMAs. They are always good for a moment, a laugh, or a jaw drop. When I saw the promotions leading up to the event, I was at first stoked. Then I quickly remembered of course the show will be different. Everything seems a bit different in the pandemic