It’s rarely just fashion. What about strategy? What about the meaning? What about the person wearing it? See, for me, there’s more to it.
Dig in with me one fabulous blog post at a time.
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Getting Existential: Are We Repeatedly Hungry For Change?
This is my fifteenth September in Calgary and I’ve just noticed something. As soon as the calendar rolls from the thirty first of August over to the first day of September, things get chilly. The evenings are chilly, over night drops to single digits, and the mornings are chilly, nay, crisp AF.
Thinking About Objectification This Calgary Pride
Pride Calgary 2018 is underway in our great city and the festivities are chock-a-block full of options. There’s bingo, there’s clubs, there’s drag, there’s learning opportunities, and yes, there’s a parade. I’m in.
Crazy Rich Asians Is So Fabulously Necessary
If you haven’t seen Crazy Rich Asians what are you waiting for? The first book in the series – where the movie spends its time – came out in 2013. The third and final book of the series came out nearly two years ago. I don’t want to hear that, “I want to read the book first,” nonsense. You’ve had plenty of time, girl.
Style Diet: I Carried Around A Fake Designer Bag For Week
I consider myself to be a freak flag flying authentic person for the most part. I say what I want, wear what I want, and do what I want. But like any grandiose verbal declaration, often times if you really are that already, you don’t need to say it out loud. In other words, sometimes there is new wisdom in testing what you thought you know about yourself.
Am I Addicted To How I Look In My Makeup?
After a vacation at home mostly bopping from cabin to cabin, I realized I barely wore makeup. When I went back through that time, the only days I put it on were because family photos – haunted with knowledge that those photos will probably be on loved ones walls for decades – were being taken. When it was just the boat, my loved ones, and me I didn’t bother. Interesting.
What I Wear At The Cabin
My vanity and the desire to live a well-dressed life can to take front seat most of the time. That falls by the wayside in a few occasions: when I’m at home; when I’m not feeling well; and when I’m at the cabin.
Summer Sales Are Worth Stocking Up For
As much as it hurts me to admit it, summer is half over. Cue wailing ugly cry. Before we know it the chilly nights will creep in and the leaves will do that nasty drop off of their golden trees. Let’s keep it real though: we’ve still got plenty of time left to enjoy the sun.
Rant: Should We Tell Some White Dudes To Stop Talking To Us About Style?
Do you ever read a tweet or a line in an article and go, “Whoa, that’s something.” The words you just read make you pause, literally and figuratively. I am so thankful that thoughts can push me way, way back and entice me to rethink what I thought I knew
Stampede Style is a Mini Vacation From Life
Since the world in on fire and we may have not yet reached rock bottom, isn’t it nice that for a few days our city comes together over communal joy and we can focus on that? It’s gorgeous respite, right? Thanks to the Calgary Stampede locals and visitors alike can come here and have a good time.
TMI: Why It's So Hard For Me To Pack For My Hometown Visit
Something I have struggled with but haven’t identified fully, until just now is my trouble with packing for a visit to my hometown. As I prepare to whip a bag together for a quick weekend trip I am at a bit of a loss on what I’ll pack.
What's My Deal With Shorts?
I’ve been told I think about certain things too much. I believe there’s a lot of truth to that. Let’s be clear: no one is saying that I am especially wise in my in-depth thinking, rather, it’s what certain things I spend my time thinking about that may be interesting.
Pride 2018: How I Hope to Be a Better LGBTQ Ally
All around the globe, June marks the most mega major month that we celebrate Pride. As an ally of LGBTQ persons and the community at large I feel that positive, inclusive changes have happened, thank Dumbledore, but I am acutely aware that I have so much more work to do.