It’s rarely just fashion. What about strategy? What about the meaning? What about the person wearing it? See, for me, there’s more to it.
Dig in with me one fabulous blog post at a time.
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What It’s Like to Be on a Movie Set
Throughout my advertising and styling career, I’ve spent many days on set. My experience included commercials for TV, product videos for online content, or short PSAs. Mostly shorter format - five minutes or less – to convey the desired story. Being invited to join a Costume Department for a film production was new to me yet something I delightfully accepted.
F/W 2017: Fall Fashion Trend Report
Fuck trends. That’s my report. Okay, wait a minute. Taking a step back, no I’m not really telling you to stop enjoying looking what’s new out there. I’m not advocating that you stop shopping or caring about how you look. No, no, no.What I am advocating is getting off a crazy train that is fuelled solely by manic, toxic trend coal.
Emmy's 2017: Diversity Looks So Good On You
Did Sunday night’s Emmy’s feel different to you? Me too. People wanted to watch – and not just the red carpet - but the actual awards show. This year had a tonne of former film folks taker their turn at TV. Dare I say TV is no longer considered the cutesy kid sister of film?
Is Persistence the Key to Progress?
My mind has been all over the place recently. Things just seem to keep escalating, building a shit storm atop the shit storm. Dwelling in the chaos and cruelty is not a friend of mine. Rather, I’m more of the move-forward-and-eventually-you’ll-feel-more-positive kind.
Set Your Tone for a Stylish September
Well, September is here. Back to school, back to work, or just back to it. Post Labour Day, Calgary – and many other places – seem to desire a routine to make the most of the latest season. The relaxed, chill vibe of is gone. Fall is coming; it’s time to rise and grind.
VMAs 2017: The Difference Between Style and Fashion
That sad, FOMO feeling of summer ending is creeping in. The mornings and evenings are brisker, there are less day light hours, and the VMAs happened over the weekend. Its official: summer is on the way out.
Are Dogs the Fashion Industry’s Favourite Furry Friend?
Yes. Suspense spared and full disclosure: I may be biased. We all seem to have that one thing about us that doesn’t make sense. It’s one of those outliers in our “typical” personality. There’s something about us all that loves a certain thing not because it’s rational but because we just do. Others may think it’s silly. For me that thing is a dog. I am head over heels for hot diggity dogs.
Does Fashion Need to be Different?
We’ve got a problem. It’s so silly for me to say out loud as this problem is not new. Our collective problem is that we keep saving, excusing, and promoting what we know. We are upholding the status quo of the traditional majority. As the latest tragedies surge south of our border a lot of people are asking themselves, “What can I do?”
Why Is the Pineapple So Hot Right Now?
Years ago I was asked, “How do you know when a trend is too saturated?” Translation: when is a trend “over?” I replied quite simply, “When everyone else is into it.” While I’m not typically a trend chaser, I prefer to wear what you love, regardless of trends, but I am a sucker for one: fruit trends. This year, it is undeniably the pineapple.
Rant: Why No Shirt?
Fair warning fashion friends: I’m about to go off. It’s been a long time coming. Since I was a little girl I asked my mother what will I be? Silly Sarah, that’s a song. While I did sing that song with my mom, that is not this post’s point. Here’s the rub: what’s with the not so random no-shirt-in-public dude?
The Joy and Sorrow of Fashion
Nearly everyday when I’m doing my usual Internet fashion scans I see headlines along the lines of, “Ahhhhhhh, the fashion industry is changing!” A look at the overhaul of fashion weeks, leadership changes, and the speed of collections all point as supporting proof to this evolution. Some of it is well overdue and some feels too drastic. What’s what depends on who you are and what you believe.
What Are The Wedding Guest Fashion Faux Pas?
For as many weddings as people seem to go to, I still get asked over and over what to wear where. It seems to be a mystifying and terrifying situation for many guests. It never ceases to amaze me that no matter what wedding I go to, be it a beach, backyard, or swanky art gallery, some people are totally lost.