It’s rarely just fashion. What about strategy? What about the meaning? What about the person wearing it? See, for me, there’s more to it.
Dig in with me one fabulous blog post at a time.
latest posts…
Open Letter: Delivery Workers are the Unsung Heroes of the Holidays
How many of you have been in a line to post or pickup your parcels when you overhear a patron complaining loudly and rudely to a delivery worker? More importantly, does it gross you out or mirror your true feelings? Asking for a friend…
Give Gifts Worth Giving
How’d Black Friday and Cyber Monday go for you? Get a tonne of stuff? Oooooooo, I bet you did. Now that you’re loose and warmed up for the holiday gift-giving spree, may I provide a suggestion? For those left on your nice – or naughty – list, why not get a gift that actually gives?
What to Do Before The Holiday Season Kicks in
Come the middle of November I have the urge to hit pause before I press play for the holiday party season. December is fast approaching and I’m admittedly feeling the pressure already. Between the dinners, drinks, and gifts, I have to get it together.
Six Ways to Enjoy Style During the Holidays While Taking a Break
The holidays are a lot (a lot of shopping, food, family, and booze, to be specific). It’s a whole bunch of preparation for a few days to get together with loved ones and make it a magical time. ‘Tis the season. As each person’s traditions – or lack thereof – are different, I’d like to share with you the true gift of the holidays: Christmas fashion.
Pop Quiz: What’s the Right Thing to Wear for Which Holiday Event?
Lululemon’s retail store garment bags tell me to, “Do one thing a day that scares you.” Touché, Lululemon, let’s face a fear. For instance, I could wear Croc shoes. That’s terrifying but a hard pass for me. A gal needs her morals and it’s off topic. I need to meet this particular fear head on. Thus, I’ve created my own multiple-choice style pop quiz. Here’s a few holiday season scenarios where what you wear matters.
10 Ways to Be A Bad Shopper This Holiday Season
With American Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday in the rear view mirror on this wild ride of living life beautifully it’s time to focus on the most festive - and at times most stressful - time of the year. The holidays! But before we delight at the gifts under the trees, bellies full of turkey and booze, we have to get ready for all the fun. Instead of me telling you to make a list and check it twice wouldn’t it be more fun to be bad?
Have an It Holiday. Whatever It is for You.
Dope graphic sweaters aside, I believe the true gift of the season is love. Love is it. Love for 'yo self and for those around you that bring light into your life. You deserve it. Enjoy the holidays.