It’s rarely just fashion. What about strategy? What about the meaning? What about the person wearing it? See, for me, there’s more to it.
Dig in with me one fabulous blog post at a time.
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Shopping For Film Costumes During COVID-19
Whoever penned that phrase, “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life,” only knew part of that ideal story. While I do believe in the sentiment, find what you enjoy and do that, get to that top of Maslow, everybody, I don’t think the author knew about the implications on everyday work compliments of COVID-19.
Halloween Costumes: My Yes, No, and Maybe Guide
Halloween is a wicked good time. Candy, role playing, and costumes. All things that I love and that can also get out of hand. But for one night, how much harm can really be done, right? You’d have to ask my dentist.
Stampede Style is a Mini Vacation From Life
Since the world in on fire and we may have not yet reached rock bottom, isn’t it nice that for a few days our city comes together over communal joy and we can focus on that? It’s gorgeous respite, right? Thanks to the Calgary Stampede locals and visitors alike can come here and have a good time.
13 Alternative Halloween Costumes Ideas
Halloween is a fantastic time of year. You get to dress up and pretend you’re someone else for a night all the while stuffing your face with garbage treats and sweets. Sounds great. But what shall you wear? If you’re like me and dressing as a sexy kitten/mouse/first responder/superhero won’t do here’s a few ideas that you should be able to round up at a relatively low cost.