It’s rarely just fashion. What about strategy? What about the meaning? What about the person wearing it? See, for me, there’s more to it.
Dig in with me one fabulous blog post at a time.
latest posts…
What's the Actual Cost of Bachelorette Parties?
Sometimes I feel like I’m right in line with my generation – activism, conscious consumerism, and Coveteur’s ongoing stellar meme game to name a few – and other times I’m left outside, confused, and alone… No matter the couple being celebrated, all over North America we are #squading and spending for our loved ones.
What Are The Wedding Guest Fashion Faux Pas?
For as many weddings as people seem to go to, I still get asked over and over what to wear where. It seems to be a mystifying and terrifying situation for many guests. It never ceases to amaze me that no matter what wedding I go to, be it a beach, backyard, or swanky art gallery, some people are totally lost.
What’s the Real Deal Behind an Engagement Ring?
Summer is just around the corner. Many 20 and 30 something young things calendars are full of friends and family inviting them to be a part of them getting hitched. In most cases there is an engagement period in advance of the big day. With engagement comes jewelry. More specifically diamond rings. It’s big business.
Destination Wedding Spending Splurge
This week I have the luxury of witnessing good friends get married in Mexico... As I prepared for the trip I found myself running to this store and that to pick up a few things. This was to supplement my existing arsenal of host destination travel gear and clothing. Apparently, I like to shop and support the Calgary economy it seems. It didn’t seem like much at the time but when I put it all out to pack the length of the tab started to sink in.
The Business of Wedding Fashion
Now that I am in the swing of my annual nuptial season (three down, two to go) I was curious as to what people spend on wedding fashion. Not only what the couple and their wedding party will spend, but the guests too. As I have no first-hand bridal experience, I went digging.