It’s rarely just fashion. What about strategy? What about the meaning? What about the person wearing it? See, for me, there’s more to it.
Dig in with me one fabulous blog post at a time.
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Fall is Coming and I'm Not Okay About It
Have you ever been at a party or watching a show or reading a book and right in the middle of it, panic washes over you as the looming, inevitable fact that the end is drawing near? That’s my current mood dreading the forthcoming fall and then, I am loathe to say, winter.
Summer Sales Are Worth Stocking Up For
As much as it hurts me to admit it, summer is half over. Cue wailing ugly cry. Before we know it the chilly nights will creep in and the leaves will do that nasty drop off of their golden trees. Let’s keep it real though: we’ve still got plenty of time left to enjoy the sun.
This Summer: Try Styling More and Shopping Less
Recently I was gob smacked by something a friend told me. When another friend complemented her skirt she said thank you. She quickly – almost in the same breath - followed that with, ”I plan to wear it to every wedding this summer. Don’t tell.”
21 Last Days of Summer "It" List
August has felt like a “last chance” month for me for many years and 2015 is no different. With just over three weeks left of summer before Labour Day ruins our sunny fun, it’s now or never. I work best with a deadline that empowers me to make the most of the self-imposed pressure. Get after it. Why not tackle a list of summer sartorial to do’s that will balance frivolity with a sense of accomplishment?