People You Will See at Every Canadian Airport

Credits: Photo - Selfie, Styling - Sarah G. Schmidt, Location - The Zippers, San Jose Del Cabo, Mexico

Credits: Photo - Selfie, Styling - Sarah G. Schmidt, Location - The Zippers, San Jose Del Cabo, Mexico

Ever the people watcher - it’s for the clothes and behaviours, darling - I drink in what people are wearing where ever they go; whatever they are up to. Please know that I keep my thoughts internal and don’t spout off in the flesh. It takes some time to marinate what, if any, trends I see.

I’ve seen a decent number of airports in my day. A flight or so a month for the past fifteen years adds up, doesn’t it? Over this time, I think I’ve developed new thoughts on existing patterns. Similar to those you’ll finds at the mall, airport style has some moments. No matter where you are going to, you’ll find these people at nearly every Canadian airport. Fly away with me, shall we?

Work Flyers

We’ve all seen the business types depicted through movies and books and, for the most part, I think the writers have them down. It’s a roll and go lifestyle suited up. Everything in that carry on bag has a purpose and they waste no time checking things they will not need.

Have you also seen the commuter workers? These folks may be travelling in and out of camp sites or just live and work at different places. They too, have a uniform, but it’s more utilitarian. Work boots, hard hats, often buckled or tied to packs. They look less romantically traveller chic idyllic than their suited counterparts. I think it’s mostly because the look more visibly tired and they could probably use some moisturizer from all of their exposure to the elements.

Amateur Sports Teams

You’ve seen these, mostly kids. They have matching team “Blaze” sweats pants and bunny hugs. They are rocking white sport socks and slide sandals. Their hair is loose in scrunchies or tuck under hats. If they are from an established – ie: financially privileged - team, they are toting team duffle bags with their personal name and number. I understand their schluppy looks serve a purpose – cohesively looking cool while not expressly trying to look cool – and I can’t help to think which one of them will run our companies or one day, our country? The youth are our future, sweat pants and all.

Weekend Getaways

These folks love a theme, am I right? Stag parties fully bro-ed out headed for a golf destination. Gaggle of gals headed to Vegas, sunglasses on, to welcome “Ashley” into her forties. For the lucky few, these weekend getaways are extended to weeklong trips for friends destination weddings in the tropics or Hawaii with the family. Flip flops already on – because vacation mode is a mindset – they are here to have a good time and they make sure you know it.

Airport Staff

I often am curious about folks that work at the airport – security, retail shops, restaurants, custodians – and wonder what it must be like to see behaviours from we travellers day after day. Different people, same shit. Usually in a uniform, they are dressed for their job and it helps we folks figure out who can help us when we are in need. Their assigned wardrobe - and tricked out lanyards (their only personal touch they can bring, likely) - helps us navigate and find comfort. I’d like to shout out the airport staffers and thank them. And I’m also curious about what shoes they wear as they seem to be on their feet all ding dong day.

Families on the Go

I’m the asshole who partially acquired my Nexus pass so that I could avoid traveling families. I know I’m a dick for saying it but no matter how well prepared or polite, families just take up more noise and physical space. Huge ass stroller here, a stuffy toy flung right there, a soother strewn way, way over there. Absolute madness. Suffice to say it’s a lot for an “A Type” like me. I understand they are people too, and just trying to make it through. If I ever become a parent, I fully expect the “I told you so” eye rolls from my people and strangers but until then I’ll enjoy my neatly packed, intact carry on. I do, however, get a kick out of the littles who carry their own bags no matter how difficult or outmatched they may be.

No matter which camp you may fall into, we all get on the same plane. It’s a bit funny that way, hey? Until my next flight, I’ll be pondering deep questions behind the airport style.

Things like does travelling reveal who you really are - what your values are, how many Fs you give - or does the destination and reason for flying set the sartorial tone?

How many people fly as every one of the types described above over their lifetime? I’ve done all but two.

And most importantly, and what has kept me up at night, how can people expose their skin – shorts, sandals, t shirts – on the cold AF and nasty germy plane air?


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