PARKLUXE 2015: Who is More Basic?
One thing I look forward to in fall is going out on the town. Summer can be so hectic and hard to coordinate schedules. The fall seems to bring people back to our city. Last weekend a few friends and I went out to PARKLUXE 2015 Calgary. This time around I had adjusted my expectations on the fashion presentations and instead, focused on the crowds. I wanted to take in what the people were wearing from their own wardrobes.
Calgary dresses in a very, very casual way. I get it. But a night out like this is opportunity for many to get a more gussied up look together and go have some fun. I have a sneaking suspicion that many get paralyzed by the fear of being seen in something too whack that they change into something safer just before they head out the door. In an effort to fit in, some seem to melt into the crowds. A shame.
I am a huge advocate for dressing for the self. I attach that sentiment to putting together a look that others likely wouldn’t wear. A great outfit is one that is most certainly your style and yours alone. And for a night on the town, have fun. Kick it up a notch. I like to remind myself it’s worth the risk and if it’s a miss, you simply take it off at the end of the evening. Plus, if you can’t dress up for a fashion show, where can you dress up?
Of course I have to feel good, too. I get a sense of joy from clothing. But I will check myself. Before I head out the doors I ask myself the two following questions. Is it function appropriate? Is it "basic?"
Urban Dictionary, my old street savvy friend, sums "basic" up:
an adjective used to describe any person, place, activity involving obscenely obvious behaviour, dress, action.
Transparent motives.
Ah ha! This crude definition helps to explain what I’m trying to avoid. “Basic” = bad… for me.
I thought about the people attending the show and the more “basic” things they were wearing. For example a lot of dark neutrals head to toe with a designer logo clad bag. Boring.
But then it dawned on me. If they were to see my look they may think I’m the one who is "basic?" Could I be the one perceived as unsophisticated or transparent? It’s interesting, no? I’ll call it the “basic” switcheroo.
Style, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. I choose to push and try new things. While others simply will not. What’s “basic” to me may not be “basic” to you.